Two days in Moscow were very busy for Dusko Vujosevic. One of the points on his agenda were the press conference at USH CSKA, where the new head coach was officially presented to media...
Dule’s system
Two days in Moscow were very busy for Dusko Vujosevic. One of the points on his agenda were the press conference at USH CSKA, where the new head coach was officially presented to media.

Andrey Vatutin introduced the coach as Dule. PBC CSKA President again named Vujosevic the system-building coach and told about the necessity of creating the new team as soon as possible because it is highly probable that veterans Holden, Langdon and Siskauskas will leave the team next year.

“The system is build here already, - Vujosevic stated. I can only think about modernizing it using my knowledge and experience. I am the team player. And my move to CSKA is very interesting because, with all the responsibility I take as a head coach I will be backed by strong organization which is always ready to help and support.”

Andrey Vatutin used the chance to clear the financial questions. “I’d like to point out at some misunderstandings. First, we did not buy Dule out from Partizan. Second, the contract number mentioned by Serbian and Russian media are not close to the real ones. Third, you should not explain the invitation of Dusko by the increase of our budget. The budget will stay on the level of the last year, we just intend to be more rational in spending money.”

Vujosevic also mentioned the resources topic. “I think I reached the maximum of what I could do with what I had in Partizan. The work for CSKA will allow me to get more. Surely, my decision was also influenced by the friendly connections between Partizan and CSKA as clubs and fans.”

The topic of improving the young players became an important part of coach’s words. “You should not think that the young players will get any privileges or defense. In my opinion, it is a part of the talent to practice hard and not to destroy what you gained in between practices. At the same time you should not break under pressure. From my side, I promised to give maximum dedication to my work. I hope we will have successful selection and our fans will feel happy before the start of the season. I am sure we will have our ups and downs but I will do my best to reach top in the end of the season.” “It is important for our young players to stop thinking about not spoiling the game but to think about helping the team”, - Vatutin added.


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