Our team welcomed De Colo back to the roster against Vita and renewed the VTB League all-time single game record in blocked shots…
Best in blocks!
Our team welcomed De Colo back to the roster against Vita and renewed the VTB League all-time single game record in blocked shots.

CSKA vs. Vita (Tbilisi): 98-62 (+36)

CSKA: De Colo (20 + 4 rb + 7 as), D.Kulagin (10 + 3 rb + 3 to + 4 pf), Teodosic (5 as + 2 bs), Fridzon (5 + 7 rb + 4 as), Nichols (4 + 3 rb + 3 bs), Jackson (4 + 5 as), Lazarev (15 + 6 rb + 5 bs), Vorontsevich (3 rb), Higgins (7 + 3 rb), Khryapa (11 + 5 rb + 3 bs), Kurbanov (16 + 4 rb), Hines (6 + 5 rb)…

Vita: Chlaidze (6), Jones Jr. (12 + 5 rb + 3 to + 5 pf), Shengelia (6 + 6 rb), Staratelev (11), Anikienko (3 + 3 bs), Thomas (18 + 15 rb), Tsivtsivadze (6)…

Dimitris Itoudis, CSKA head coach:
Congratulations to the team with the victory. Everyone played serious. I would like to thank the fans who came today and supported us.


Миронов Максим
24 January 19:58
Ребята, удачи 28 января в матче с "Брозе" !!!
Миронов Максим
24 January 19:56
Молодцы !!!
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