
Our team confidently defeated MBA in the away game at Krylatskoye...

Calm Saturday

MBA Moscow – PBC CSKA: 52-88 (+36)

MBA: Kasatkin (1 + 3 to + 5 pf), Barashkov (2), Minchenko (6 + 8 rb + 2 st), Lopatin (2 + 5 rb + 3 as), Yakushin (6 + 4 pf) – start; Ismailov (7 + 4 rb), Khomenko (6 + 4 rb + 3 as + 2 st + 4 to), Goldyrev (6 + 2 st + 4 pf), Trushkin (1 + 2 as), Sheyko (5), Lichutin (0), Konovalov (10)…

CSKA: Ware (6 + 3 rb + 2 as), Astapkovich (6), Ruzhentsev (21 + 12 rb + 2 as + 3 to), Jean-Charles (14 + 7 rb), M'Baye (10 + 3 as) – start; Mikhailovskii (6 + 5 rb + 3 as), Jekiri (4 + 4 pf), Trimble (6), Antonov (3), Zaytsev (0), Kardanakhishvili (10 + 3 rb + 4 as + 4 pf), Klyuev (2)…

Emil Rajkovic, CSKA head coach:

I can’t call today’s victory easy – my guys made a serious effort to achieve such a result. We looked very good, first of all, in defense, which gave us extra chances in offense. When the margin got bigger, we were able to take advantage of the entire rotation and let young guys, like Ivan Zaitsev, get a feel for the game today. Melo Trimble's injury put a bit of a damper on the victory, I hope his problem is not too serious and he can return to the floor in the near future.


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